Coming in 2019

Hi everyone!

Happy New Year! I’ve got some exciting things happening this year, including finishing up my first novel! I’ve contributed to my 10th book in the Psych Geeks series, “Black Panther Psychology,” which will be out on June 4. (Check out the Books page for a link to pre-order on Amazon.) I’m excited to announce that we’re working on the next book in the series as we speak!

If you missed the news at the end of last year, Legion of Leia, the site I founded to celebrate women in genre, has joined! I’m so excited to be working with the amazing Mirko Parlevliet over there! In addition, I’m currently writing for SYFY Fangrrls, appearing on red carpets and at press junkets, so stay tuned to @JennaBusch on Twitter for all the info.

I’ll be at WonderCon and San Diego Comic-Con, of course. I never miss them! I’ll keep you updated with my schedule as we get closer.

My latest big story is my second set visit report from the set of Captain Marvel! So exciting! I’ll post the third before the film comes out. In the meantime, here it is!

In case you already follow me, and you want an update, I’m still doing Whole30 and Insanity Max 30 every day of the week! Ping me if you want recipes and/or motivation!